Learn to code with U Matter2 for All Age Autism(AAA), AFCS & LUMA CIC!

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Who We Are

The advancement of digital technology has the power to inspire future entrepreneurs, enhance job opportunities, share news, information and educate ourselves from the comfort of our own homes.

The future of digital technology is just beginning

At Community Networks and Education (CNE CIC), we work to ensure better outcomes for our communities across Birmingham and wider (UK), by focusing on key areas: Education, Digital Innovations, Signposting, and external opportunities with our partners, this allows us to aid in the development of proving digital skill training for a vast amount of people from all walks of life, cultures, and communities.

Our training is focused on three areas:

  • Face to Face (In person courses and workshops)Online

  • Digital Training (Online courses and workshops via, Zoom, Teams and Google Meet)

  • Access to our very own Digital Hub (Access a wide range of training programmes from the comfort of your own home)

CNE CIC was founded on a core concept ‘What can we do to give back to our community?’ How can we aid in the development of the future and what would that future look like? These are the questions we keep asking and will continue to keep asking ourselves.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams
Poem Ode 1873

By Arthur O’Shaughnessy