Learn to code with U Matter2 for All Age Autism(AAA), AFCS & LUMA CIC!

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Our Approach

CNE CIC ‘Middle Out Approach’

Aiming to ensure better futures for the greatest number of people in our community

Our approach harnesses the full power of digital, to communicate with our customers’ needs around culture, inspiration, and the arts to improve our communities across the UK.

The advancement of digital technology has the power to inspire future entrepreneur’s, enhance job opportunities, share news, information and educate ourselves from the comfort of our own homes.

We know every person has their own story to share, and digital skills may not have been a part of the beginning chapters of that individual. This is why we focus on the ‘Middle Out Approach’ that allows all community members from all walks of life, to learn the building blocks that sets a strong foundation and directional steps needed to gain digital skills, whether it be on digital technology, how to use a computer, how to write code or even financial structuring. Our approach is to educate on the foundations that can be taken further, and we will always motivate our learners to seek further educations. Which in turn will open the landscapes for better job opportunities, volunteering, higher education, and collaborations with other peers through engagement projects.