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Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to conducting business fairly, honestly, and with integrity. We will not tolerate bribery, corruption, or any other form of unethical behavior in our operations, including our online education platform and face-to-face training.

Our policy outlines our commitment to preventing bribery and corruption and the actions we will take to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Our Commitment

  • We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to bribery and corruption, including the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
  • We will conduct our business fairly, honestly, and with integrity, and we will not offer or accept bribes or other improper advantages to gain business or personal advantage.
  • We will implement appropriate measures to prevent bribery and corruption, including training our employees on this policy and monitoring our business relationships and transactions.
  • We will maintain accurate and complete records of all transactions, and we will not use off-book accounts or other means to hide or disguise improper payments.
  • We will report any suspected or actual bribery or corruption to the appropriate authorities, including law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies.

Our Actions

  1. Risk Assessment: We will conduct a risk assessment of our business activities and relationships to identify potential bribery and corruption risks. This assessment will consider factors such as the nature of our business, the countries where we operate, the types of transactions we engage in, and the reputation of our business partners.
  2. Due Diligence: We will conduct due diligence on our business partners, including suppliers, agents, and other third parties, to ensure that they are reputable and do not pose a risk of bribery or corruption. We will also include anti-bribery and corruption provisions in our contracts with these parties.
  3. Gifts and Hospitality: We will not offer, solicit, or accept gifts, hospitality, or other favors that could be perceived as influencing our business decisions or actions. We will also establish clear guidelines and procedures for gifts and hospitality, including appropriate approval processes.
  4. Facilitation Payments: We will not make facilitation payments or other small bribes to expedite routine government services or obtain other benefits. We will also establish procedures for handling requests for facilitation payments, including reporting them to the appropriate authorities.
  5. Training and Communication: We will provide regular training to our employees on anti-bribery and corruption policies and procedures, and we will communicate these policies and procedures to our business partners and other stakeholders.
  6. Monitoring and Review: We will monitor our business activities and relationships for potential bribery and corruption risks, and we will regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to preventing bribery and corruption in all of our business activities and relationships. We expect all employees, contractors, and business partners to comply with this policy and to report any suspected or actual instances of bribery or corruption to the appropriate authorities.