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Financial Procedures Policy

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to maintaining accurate financial records and managing its finances in a responsible and transparent manner.

This policy outlines the financial procedures that CNE CIC will follow to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Budgeting and Planning: CNE CIC will prepare an annual budget and financial plan that includes projected revenues, expenses, and cash flow. The budget will be reviewed and approved by the board of directors and will be used to guide financial decision-making throughout the year.
  2. Accounting and Recordkeeping: CNE CIC will maintain accurate and complete financial records, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. All financial transactions will be recorded promptly and accurately in the appropriate accounts.
  3. Banking and Cash Management: CNE CIC will maintain a bank account for its operations and will manage its cash in accordance with the approved budget and financial plan. All transactions will be authorized by a designated individual and will be recorded promptly in the appropriate accounts.
  4. Financial Reporting: CNE CIC will prepare regular financial reports for the board of directors, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These reports will be reviewed and approved by the board and will be made available to stakeholders upon request.
  5. Purchasing and Procurement: CNE CIC will maintain a purchasing and procurement process that is transparent and competitive. All purchases will be authorized in advance and will be supported by appropriate documentation, such as purchase orders and invoices.
  6. Revenue Generation: CNE CIC will generate revenue through its educational services, and any other activities approved by the board of directors. All revenue will be recorded promptly and accurately in the appropriate accounts, and will be used to support the mission and objectives of CNE CIC.
  7. Internal Controls: CNE CIC will establish and maintain appropriate internal controls to ensure the integrity of its financial operations. These controls will include segregation of duties, approval processes, and regular audits and reviews.
  8. Compliance: CNE CIC will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to financial management, including tax laws, accounting standards, and reporting requirements.

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to managing its finances responsibly and transparently. This policy outlines the financial procedures that CNE CIC will follow to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We expect all employees, contractors, and business partners to comply with this policy and to report any suspected or actual instances of financial impropriety to the appropriate authorities.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to conducting business fairly, honestly, and with integrity. We will not tolerate bribery, corruption, or any other form of unethical behavior in our operations, including our online education platform and face-to-face training.

Our policy outlines our commitment to preventing bribery and corruption and the actions we will take to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Our Commitment

  • We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to bribery and corruption, including the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
  • We will conduct our business fairly, honestly, and with integrity, and we will not offer or accept bribes or other improper advantages to gain business or personal advantage.
  • We will implement appropriate measures to prevent bribery and corruption, including training our employees on this policy and monitoring our business relationships and transactions.
  • We will maintain accurate and complete records of all transactions, and we will not use off-book accounts or other means to hide or disguise improper payments.
  • We will report any suspected or actual bribery or corruption to the appropriate authorities, including law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies.

Our Actions

  1. Risk Assessment: We will conduct a risk assessment of our business activities and relationships to identify potential bribery and corruption risks. This assessment will consider factors such as the nature of our business, the countries where we operate, the types of transactions we engage in, and the reputation of our business partners.
  2. Due Diligence: We will conduct due diligence on our business partners, including suppliers, agents, and other third parties, to ensure that they are reputable and do not pose a risk of bribery or corruption. We will also include anti-bribery and corruption provisions in our contracts with these parties.
  3. Gifts and Hospitality: We will not offer, solicit, or accept gifts, hospitality, or other favors that could be perceived as influencing our business decisions or actions. We will also establish clear guidelines and procedures for gifts and hospitality, including appropriate approval processes.
  4. Facilitation Payments: We will not make facilitation payments or other small bribes to expedite routine government services or obtain other benefits. We will also establish procedures for handling requests for facilitation payments, including reporting them to the appropriate authorities.
  5. Training and Communication: We will provide regular training to our employees on anti-bribery and corruption policies and procedures, and we will communicate these policies and procedures to our business partners and other stakeholders.
  6. Monitoring and Review: We will monitor our business activities and relationships for potential bribery and corruption risks, and we will regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to preventing bribery and corruption in all of our business activities and relationships. We expect all employees, contractors, and business partners to comply with this policy and to report any suspected or actual instances of bribery or corruption to the appropriate authorities.

Data Protection Policy

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of our employees, customers, partners, and visitors.

We comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK Data Protection Act.

Our policy outlines our commitment to data protection and the actions we will take to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data.

Our Commitment

  • We will comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations.

  • We will respect the privacy and confidentiality of personal data.

  • We will only collect, process, store, and transfer personal data as necessary to fulfill our legitimate business purposes or as required by law.

  • We will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and integrity of personal data.

  • We will only transfer personal data to third parties who have agreed to comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

  • We will regularly review and update our data protection policy and practices to ensure they remain effective and compliant.

Our Actions

  • We will inform individuals about the personal data we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it.

  • We will only collect personal data that is necessary for our legitimate business purposes and will not retain it for longer than necessary.

  • We will ensure that personal data is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the purpose for which it was collected.

  • We will take appropriate measures to protect personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

  • We will obtain consent from individuals before collecting, processing, or transferring their personal data, where required by law.

  • We will provide individuals with access to their personal data upon request and will allow them to correct or delete inaccurate data, where appropriate.

  • We will ensure that all employees, contractors, and third parties who have access to personal data are trained on data protection laws and regulations and comply with our data protection policy.

Health and Safety Policy

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of all employees, customers, partners, and visitors. We believe that everyone has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment and to go home at the end of the day without harm.

Our policy outlines our commitment to health and safety and the actions we will take to ensure a safe working environment for everyone.

Our Commitment

  • We will comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and regulations.
  • We will provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, customers, partners, and visitors.
  • We will promote a culture of safety and well-being in our workplace.
  • We will provide training and support to our employees to ensure they can work safely and avoid risks to their health and safety.
  • We will continuously review and improve our health and safety policy and practices to ensure they align with our mission and values.

Our Actions

  • We will identify and assess all potential risks and hazards in our workplace and develop strategies to eliminate or control them.
  • We will provide appropriate safety equipment, tools, and resources to support safe work practices.
  • We will provide training and instruction to our employees to ensure they can work safely and avoid risks to their health and safety.
  • We will encourage and support employees to report all incidents, hazards, and safety concerns promptly.
  • We will investigate all incidents and safety concerns and take appropriate actions to prevent recurrence.
  • We will maintain and regularly review emergency plans and procedures to ensure a prompt and effective response to emergencies.
  • We will work with our suppliers, partners, and the wider community to promote health and safety and prevent incidents and injuries.

Equality and Diversity Policy

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in our workplace and the wider community. We believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

Our policy outlines our commitment to equality and diversity and the actions we will take to ensure that everyone feels valued and respected.

Our Commitment

  • We will promote a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion in our workplace and the wider community.
  • We will treat all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or personal characteristics.
  • We will create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all employees, customers, and partners.
  • We will comply with all relevant legislation and regulations related to equality and diversity.

Our Actions

  • We will provide equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.
  • We will recruit, train, and promote employees based on their skills, experience, and potential, without discrimination.
  • We will provide training and development opportunities to support the personal and professional growth of our employees.
  • We will promote a diverse and inclusive workplace that values differences and encourages collaboration and innovation.
  • We will monitor and review our policies and practices regularly to ensure they promote equality and diversity and comply with relevant legislation and regulations.
  • We will investigate and take appropriate action against any instances of discrimination or harassment in the workplace.
  • We will work with our suppliers, partners, and the wider community to promote equality and diversity and eliminate discrimination and prejudice.

Social Impact Policy

Community Networks & Education is a Community Interest Company committed to creating positive social and environmental impact in our community. We believe that our business should contribute to the well-being of our stakeholders, including our employees, customers, partners, and the wider community.

Our social impact policy outlines our commitment to creating a positive impact and the actions we will take to achieve this goal.

Our Commitment

  • We will operate our business in a way that respects and promotes the well-being of our stakeholders and the environment.
  • We will measure and report on our social and environmental impact regularly.
  • We will continuously review and improve our social impact policy and practices to ensure they align with our mission and values.

Our Actions

  • We will prioritise working with suppliers and partners who share our commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
  • We will aim to create a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees are treated with respect and dignity.
  • We will provide training and development opportunities to our employees to support their personal and professional growth.
  • We will support local community initiatives and charities through volunteering, donations, and other means.
  • We will reduce our environmental impact by implementing sustainable practices and reducing waste, energy consumption, and carbon emissions.
  • We will work with our customers to develop products and services that meet their needs and have a positive impact on society and the environment.