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Data Protection Policy

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of our employees, customers, partners, and visitors.

We comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK Data Protection Act.

Our policy outlines our commitment to data protection and the actions we will take to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data.

Our Commitment

  • We will comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations.

  • We will respect the privacy and confidentiality of personal data.

  • We will only collect, process, store, and transfer personal data as necessary to fulfill our legitimate business purposes or as required by law.

  • We will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and integrity of personal data.

  • We will only transfer personal data to third parties who have agreed to comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

  • We will regularly review and update our data protection policy and practices to ensure they remain effective and compliant.

Our Actions

  • We will inform individuals about the personal data we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it.

  • We will only collect personal data that is necessary for our legitimate business purposes and will not retain it for longer than necessary.

  • We will ensure that personal data is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the purpose for which it was collected.

  • We will take appropriate measures to protect personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

  • We will obtain consent from individuals before collecting, processing, or transferring their personal data, where required by law.

  • We will provide individuals with access to their personal data upon request and will allow them to correct or delete inaccurate data, where appropriate.

  • We will ensure that all employees, contractors, and third parties who have access to personal data are trained on data protection laws and regulations and comply with our data protection policy.