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Health and Safety Policy

Community Networks and Education CIC (CNE CIC) is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of all employees, customers, partners, and visitors. We believe that everyone has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment and to go home at the end of the day without harm.

Our policy outlines our commitment to health and safety and the actions we will take to ensure a safe working environment for everyone.

Our Commitment

  • We will comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and regulations.
  • We will provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, customers, partners, and visitors.
  • We will promote a culture of safety and well-being in our workplace.
  • We will provide training and support to our employees to ensure they can work safely and avoid risks to their health and safety.
  • We will continuously review and improve our health and safety policy and practices to ensure they align with our mission and values.

Our Actions

  • We will identify and assess all potential risks and hazards in our workplace and develop strategies to eliminate or control them.
  • We will provide appropriate safety equipment, tools, and resources to support safe work practices.
  • We will provide training and instruction to our employees to ensure they can work safely and avoid risks to their health and safety.
  • We will encourage and support employees to report all incidents, hazards, and safety concerns promptly.
  • We will investigate all incidents and safety concerns and take appropriate actions to prevent recurrence.
  • We will maintain and regularly review emergency plans and procedures to ensure a prompt and effective response to emergencies.
  • We will work with our suppliers, partners, and the wider community to promote health and safety and prevent incidents and injuries.